Sending roses and rose bouquets featuring red, and pink roses on this special day.
A classic roses wrapping hold 12 stems of large bloom roses. Come with complementary special message card.
Please message shop ahead if you are looking for special colors
Care Instructions
- Keep flower and foliage stems in water.
- If your flowers came in a basket or other container with foam, add fresh water every day.
- Immediately remove dead or wilting leaves and stems from fresh flower arrangements.
- Watch your water.
Delivery Charge
Delivery fee calculated at check out. Please make sure you check the first three characters of your postal code at check out to get the rate.
About Design
At our shop, each bouquet is a masterpiece in its own right, crafted with creativity and spontaneity. While we may not replicate the exact arrangement pictured on our website, rest assured, what you receive will be a delightful surprise of equal value, inspired by the essence of your preferences.